more animals
Still alive. Still fat. Managed to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, then only intermittently. Still don't have a scale, although both my mother and my sister asked me if I've lost weight. Very flattering, but highly doubtful. Some days I eat well from start to finish, others are awful from the moment I (skip) eat breakfast. If only I could eat a healthy breakfast daily- no procrastinating, no starches. Fruit, nuts, eggs, cheese, etc. Resolutions are well and good, but it's follow through that counts. The road to hell (ie: morbid obesity) is paved with good intentions.
Hubby has spoken of joining a professionally run program in the next month or so. He needs to lose 70-80 pounds, and is considering whether or not a fee for service program might of help, especially with portion control and incentive. It might be a good idea to try. He hates spending money on himself, but doing so may provide an incentive to follow through with it. His self esteem is so low, I'm urging him to do it no matter the outcome in hopes that he will feel better with the attempt.
As for me, I'm trying to keep up with the food diary better. Make healthier choices in more appropriate portions & skip fewer breakfasts. Those stupid commercials talking about how important breakfast is annoy the hell out of me because they're so damn right. I spend more time hounding the kids to eat well than I allow myself time to do the same. That's the problem, I allow myself to be led around by the nose and then whine about the consequences.
The other problem is the Inner Harpy spends all of her time doing her best to undermine and sabotage my efforts and my feelings. I came across excerpts of the writings of Peggy Claude Pierre, and parts of what she wrote really spoke to me. Other parts were really out there, but I took notes in my little food diary- and then promptly dropped off the diary keeping. I just now realized that. HMMMMM..Big clue there, Sherlock. BIG CLUE. I'mwidely read in nutrition and am getting better with food culture and trends, but am less well read in the area of disordered eating. I think I need to fix that.
I'll be better at food journaling. I'll keep a better ear on what Inner Harpy mutters and plots. I'll be back here sooner and more often.
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