Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Doctor Visit at Last

I've finally had my physical. The dr mailed me the lab tests. I'm pleased to say that nearly all of my numbers are good. Cholesterol is 173, but LDL was 104- 5 higher than the highest number it should've been (99). The dr did call & tell me that my vitamin d is too low. Which leads to depression, weakens bones & causes weight gain according to what I've read online. So I'm taking big vitamin d supplements. All of the other numbers are fine. My blood pressure, as I mentioned before, is in the 'prehypertension' range- attributable to my lack of exercise & 60 lbs overweight. Hubby is glad my kidneys & liver are ok. He was worried that my arthritis meds had been beating on my kidneys & my liver, but apparently not. Or not yet.

I wish I could say I've started exercising more. I've done my tape once a week this month. Or that I've made better food choices. Those would be untrue. I have made it a point to eat a big salad as a meal daily. The ranch dressing is gone now, so the fat content of the dressing will wind down drastically. I've tossed all of the candy. There are very few grains in the house, those that are are whole wheat & high fiber.

I think I'll try to eat oatmeal several times a week. I'm trying to be more aware of the salt content of the foods I eat. I want to exercise twice weekly starting this week.

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