Saturday, February 7, 2009


We're seven days into February & I've exercised once this week. Trying not to be down here, but I totally need to get off my @$$ so it'll shrink. On the plus side, I've exercised at least once a week since the turn of the year. Once a week is better than no exercise at all, but I definitely need to crank it up- alot. My once or twice daily trip around the block (about 1/2 mile each trip) with the dog doesn't count as exercise.

We went out to dinner last night. I used the full fat dressing to avoid the chemical laden 'lite' versions, but I made sure I had unsweetened iced tea and the petite sirloin with broccoli, which I sprinkled with lemon. Yummy! It's very hard to find entrees without grains or starches of some kind. I'll have to custom order menu items I guess.

I'm making small steps, incremental changes. Things I should be proud of. I've eaten a salad nearly every day since the turn of the year. Not a big deal for a lot of people, but a huge change for me. I'm trying to teach myself new ways. I'm not always motivated though. If I could just get a week of exercise in, 4-5 days straight, I'd be closer to being on track. I used to manage it. Even when the kids were small & I was working. Exercise never fails- I always feel better when I exercise, and I always kick myself for stopping. Daily might be best- not skipping a day at all. Maybe that'd work. Something small, relatively light. I should try it next week, the daily thing. It's the getting started part that stumps me. Inner Harpy always finds reasons to skip. She needs a muzzle, damn her!

I'm very proud of hubby though. He's walked 4-5 days a week, three miles at a go since early in January. His motivation is high and he's feeling better.

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