Went to our doctor last week for some preliminary tests before same day surgery in April. Of course they took my BP. Compared to the January BP, it was down to 123/78, which is within the normal range. I'd managed to exercise twice in the days before I saw her. I'm hoping that lowering my salt intake and upping the exercise quotient will keep the BP low & help me slowly lower the weight. Maybe I can lose 5-6 pounds by the April surgery date. We'll see.
I can't find my passwords to the site where I built the progress bars, so I can';t fix the weight. I'll have to keep digging. Or else give it up and build new ones. My weight is actually 196- 9 pounds higher than the last time I weighed in at a dr's office back in December 2007. I think. I'm trying really hard not to be down in the dumps about my weight. It's hard not be.
Honesty is the best medicine, though. And the right attitude. If I can put it on, I can take it off. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Gradual changes that I can hold on to are better than drastic plans that I'll eventually give up on. Towards that, I bought a pair of books written by a therapist who specializes in cognitive therapy specifically relating to eating disorders. I plan to do all of the exercises in the workbook & work her plan. I need to buy a few supplies first, but in the meantime I'm exercising.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
To be Alive
by Gregory Orr
To be alive: not just the carcass
But the spark.
That's crudely put, but…
If we're not supposed to dance,
Why all this music?
Found on Poets.org
To be alive: not just the carcass
But the spark.
That's crudely put, but…
If we're not supposed to dance,
Why all this music?
Found on Poets.org
We're seven days into February & I've exercised once this week. Trying not to be down here, but I totally need to get off my @$$ so it'll shrink. On the plus side, I've exercised at least once a week since the turn of the year. Once a week is better than no exercise at all, but I definitely need to crank it up- alot. My once or twice daily trip around the block (about 1/2 mile each trip) with the dog doesn't count as exercise.
We went out to dinner last night. I used the full fat dressing to avoid the chemical laden 'lite' versions, but I made sure I had unsweetened iced tea and the petite sirloin with broccoli, which I sprinkled with lemon. Yummy! It's very hard to find entrees without grains or starches of some kind. I'll have to custom order menu items I guess.
I'm making small steps, incremental changes. Things I should be proud of. I've eaten a salad nearly every day since the turn of the year. Not a big deal for a lot of people, but a huge change for me. I'm trying to teach myself new ways. I'm not always motivated though. If I could just get a week of exercise in, 4-5 days straight, I'd be closer to being on track. I used to manage it. Even when the kids were small & I was working. Exercise never fails- I always feel better when I exercise, and I always kick myself for stopping. Daily might be best- not skipping a day at all. Maybe that'd work. Something small, relatively light. I should try it next week, the daily thing. It's the getting started part that stumps me. Inner Harpy always finds reasons to skip. She needs a muzzle, damn her!
I'm very proud of hubby though. He's walked 4-5 days a week, three miles at a go since early in January. His motivation is high and he's feeling better.
We went out to dinner last night. I used the full fat dressing to avoid the chemical laden 'lite' versions, but I made sure I had unsweetened iced tea and the petite sirloin with broccoli, which I sprinkled with lemon. Yummy! It's very hard to find entrees without grains or starches of some kind. I'll have to custom order menu items I guess.
I'm making small steps, incremental changes. Things I should be proud of. I've eaten a salad nearly every day since the turn of the year. Not a big deal for a lot of people, but a huge change for me. I'm trying to teach myself new ways. I'm not always motivated though. If I could just get a week of exercise in, 4-5 days straight, I'd be closer to being on track. I used to manage it. Even when the kids were small & I was working. Exercise never fails- I always feel better when I exercise, and I always kick myself for stopping. Daily might be best- not skipping a day at all. Maybe that'd work. Something small, relatively light. I should try it next week, the daily thing. It's the getting started part that stumps me. Inner Harpy always finds reasons to skip. She needs a muzzle, damn her!
I'm very proud of hubby though. He's walked 4-5 days a week, three miles at a go since early in January. His motivation is high and he's feeling better.
changing the script,
Inner Harpy,
new habits
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Doctor Visit at Last
I've finally had my physical. The dr mailed me the lab tests. I'm pleased to say that nearly all of my numbers are good. Cholesterol is 173, but LDL was 104- 5 higher than the highest number it should've been (99). The dr did call & tell me that my vitamin d is too low. Which leads to depression, weakens bones & causes weight gain according to what I've read online. So I'm taking big vitamin d supplements. All of the other numbers are fine. My blood pressure, as I mentioned before, is in the 'prehypertension' range- attributable to my lack of exercise & 60 lbs overweight. Hubby is glad my kidneys & liver are ok. He was worried that my arthritis meds had been beating on my kidneys & my liver, but apparently not. Or not yet.
I wish I could say I've started exercising more. I've done my tape once a week this month. Or that I've made better food choices. Those would be untrue. I have made it a point to eat a big salad as a meal daily. The ranch dressing is gone now, so the fat content of the dressing will wind down drastically. I've tossed all of the candy. There are very few grains in the house, those that are are whole wheat & high fiber.
I think I'll try to eat oatmeal several times a week. I'm trying to be more aware of the salt content of the foods I eat. I want to exercise twice weekly starting this week.
I wish I could say I've started exercising more. I've done my tape once a week this month. Or that I've made better food choices. Those would be untrue. I have made it a point to eat a big salad as a meal daily. The ranch dressing is gone now, so the fat content of the dressing will wind down drastically. I've tossed all of the candy. There are very few grains in the house, those that are are whole wheat & high fiber.
I think I'll try to eat oatmeal several times a week. I'm trying to be more aware of the salt content of the foods I eat. I want to exercise twice weekly starting this week.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sill Alive

see more puppies
I made it through the holiday season, bingeing on chocolate most of the season. Which activity has now come home to my bulging belly to roost. I finally went to the doctor yesterday for a complete physical. I've not had one more years than I care to admit, frankly. I've reached a frame of mind where I'm able & willing to take better care of myself.
The initial news, frankly, is not heartening. I'm not drastically ill, so if you're related to me & worried about that- don't. I've several chronic conditions that continue to be at a stasis point. My new doctor tells me a) I've borderline hypertension, especially the bottom number, b) my couple of times a week nausea and heartburn may be attributable to my weight gain, c) the remainder of the bad news will have wait until the blood test results return and d) my weight has reached an all time high, now topping by 3 lbs my highest pregnancy weight.
The easiest and most effective cure for blood pressure? Why- losing weight! *insert sarcasm here* Color me surprised. /sarcasm off. Plus? Low salt diet. That part won't be too hard. I'm not a salt a holic, inlike other people I live with. I have to say, it was easier to shrug off excess weight when there weren't any health related side effects. Before, I was heavy but otherwise all of my health factors remained the same. Lifestyle factors changed for the worse. Yes, bigger jeans. Lingerie no longer fits. Apple shaped ladies are atypical and therefore fashions aren't built for us.
My baby girl (now 17! gawd help us) will be home in half an hour or so. After she eats lunch I'm going to drag her along on a walk with our new doggie. Cuz we adopted a coonhound & he needs a daily looonnnnggggg walk. I'll be back later with more thoughts.
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